Combined Locks, Wisconsin





We have exciting news! We have reached both goals in the next 100 Capital Campaign. Not only have we reached the $40,000 Match for the month of September, but we surpassed the original goal, as well!! 

As of Tuesday, September 24:

  • Gifts received in September total $46,277.70
  • Total Gifts (including the $40,000 Match) total $414,225.22

It is with heartfelt gratitude that we say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who helped make it happen with your gifts and prayers. In just 12 short weeks, you answered the call and helped position your parish for the next 100 years! 



Progress has been made with the original four projects. Your dollars are already at work! Over the coming months, you'll see the fruits of your generosity.

We're moving forward with engineering work on the Parking Lot. It's likely that we could have a new parking lot before the end of the season. Stay tuned! 

The asbestos abatement is complete in Vandenberg Hall. The old flooring has been successfully removed. Now we work on exploring remediation obtions and choosing a flooring. It shouldn't be too much longer before we're as good as new! 

For questions or information on the campaign and the progress of the projects, don't hesitate to call the parish office at 920.788.4553. We'll continue to provide updates here and in the bulletin. 

All gifts received over and above the cost of the four projects will go towards additional building needs and future building projects. 



Please prayerfully consider your support of this campaign. There are several ways you can give.

CASH GIFT Just mail your gift to the Parish Office at 410 Wallace Street, Combined Locks, WI. 54113 or click the button below to make a gift online. 

EMPLOYER MATCH  If your employer offers a matching program, consider designating your match to our capital campaign.

IRA MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION  St. Paul Parish is a non-profit corporation. Direct your charitable gift from your IRA and you may be eligible for tax benefits. 

STOCK TRANSFER  Click for assistance from the Catholic Foundation in making a stock gift to St. Paul Parish.

We’d love to sit down and speak with you about our plans for the future of St. Paul and how your gift can help. If you’d like to schedule a meeting, call us at 920.788.4553 or email